S4b May 3

Skills 4 Bills® alive and kicking for 2024

Skills 4 Bills® is back in the swing of things for 2024 and we have an exciting year ahead. Our Skills 4 Bills® programme gives Key Stage 2 (age 9-11) students an awareness of the financial commitments and decisions they will face during their lives. Skills 4 Bills® is a highly engaging game that aims to provide young children with an insight into the consequences of poor financial choices and the indebtedness which can follow. It replicates life’s over spending temptations, before helping children reflect on how their parents' and own future financial lives could pan out.

Recent sessions at Loose Primary School in Maidstone were really valuable as always and we’ve a further three sessions planned at other schools in June. Most excitingly, the sessions at Loose Primary served as the start of us upskilling colleagues across even more of our UK sites to be able to share the experience in more locations. We are also moving nearer to going outside of the UK for the first time, as we share the programme in Ireland through Cabot Financial Ireland.



Our Group General Counsel & Company Secretary Sarah Whiteley joined the volunteers at our May sessions and told us about her experience:

“Delighted to support our amazing Skills 4 Bills® initiative by participating in one of our S4B’s session this week. The work that the Skills 4 Bills® team does (Katy Camp, Cliff Ellis and Alexis Ingram do) behind the scenes and with the school children is amazing and really helps us to give back to our communities in such a relevant and worthwhile way. I LOVED taking part – it was so much fun and satisfying seeing the children enjoy our game and learning so much about managing their money from it.”

2024 is going to be an exciting year for the program and we look forward to keeping you updated on how everyone gets on.


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